Sand, Songs & Sounds of The Sahara
Sand, Songs & Sounds of The Sahara
We are a mixed team of Moroccans & Europeans that live & work very close together in the small oasis of ”Oulad Driss”, some 1 hour by car south of ”Zagora”. Here we live in harmony with nature and our common and daily life is totally based on what the surroundings has to offer.
Very welcome to come and experience what real life in the Desert is all about!
Our venue offers a total of 8-10 beds, toilets, showers as well as a courtyard café, restaurant and an art gallery. This combination make our premises in to a perfect space for smaller groups with their own activities or common workshops. Wi-fi is also secured.
The oasis of ”Oulad Driss” is dating back to the 17th century and has a total of some 800 inhabitants as of today. With the vast Sahara desert all around, the center of the village offers some grocery stores, a local museum, a camping site and very, very friendly people. No stress, just interact with respect and relax max!
~ The Little Prince
We offer tools and spaces to increase your creativity within the field of visual art. Whether you are already an experienced painter or not – doesn’t matter – we focus on an open mind and the process of exploring new areas within yourself as well as in collaboration with fellow participants.
We organize day-trips in to the desert as well as longer caravans during up to one week or even longer if there is such a wish. No earlier experience from this kind of travel is necessary. Our local guides have a long tradition of knowing the area, so you are in very safe hands during your stay – and Timbuktu is only 52 days away…
An outdoor session with local musicians in front of a bonfire is sometimes larger than life itself. The stars in the sky above You even seem to sing along. If you are a musician you just start jamming, but if you’re not, you will soon start to move with the rhythm anyway…